Setting up an userspace MariaDB for development

posted on 2014-04-16

With multiple projects requiring different configuration of mysql and wanting an easy way to clean the database without becoming root, I decided to run MariaDB in a local directory in my home folder.

Set up is quite straight forward:

  • Create a new database if it's not already there
  • Import any scripts found locally

I've placed it all in a script with the basic premise: if there is no mariadb directory, then initialize a new database. As a simple bash script you end up with:

if [ ! -d "${ROOT}/mariadb" ]; then
    mkdir -p "${ROOT}/mariadb"
    mysql_install_db "--datadir=${ROOT}/mariadb" "--basedir=/usr/"
mysqld "--datadir=${ROOT}/mariadb" "--socket=${ROOT}/mariadb/mariadb.socket" &
sleep 5 #Should be a netcat test for the mariadb port, but I was to lazy to do that.
for sql in *.sql;do
    echo "Importing $sql"
    mysql -u root "--socket=${ROOT}/mariadb/mariadb.socket" < "$sql"
mysql -u root "--socket=${ROOT}/mariadb/mariadb.socket"
echo "Pres return to stop $mysqlPid"
kill "$mysqlPid"

The if checks to see if there is a mariadb directory where the script is called from, if not mysql_install_db a new database. Then we start mysqld and keep the pid ($!) for later.

The sleep is there because the server needs to start up, it should be a wait for the mysql socket to become available loop, but I was to lazy to set that up.

When the mysqld has started, try to import all the .sql files we can find. Lastly we try to open up a mysql terminal, so you can look at the current database state.