Love the way they love you

posted on 2014-06-07

My previous blog was pretty negative, so I promise that after this, I'll write a less negative post.

I have opened up a account and I can't seem to be able to delete it. It seems that there are more people with the same problem.

Instead of writing to support or pleading with the bots to remove my account, I decided to love them the way they love their users: automated and aggressive.

First, make sure your intentions are known: change your email address to one at mailinator and put your username and password in your public profile. This should make you eligable for deletion, so it's just a matter of time before the account is removed.

Secondly, stay positive! Install Greasemonkey and add a user script for everything under Make sure that when every you have loaded a page

window.onload = function() {

You start following it

$('.fave, .text_button').not(".clicked").click()

making sure you watched it if possible

$("._checkin._button._episode > label.on").click()

and of course, rate it with a 10 out of 10

$('li.full.step').filter(function(i,e){return $(e).data("score") == 10;}).click()

That should be it. The complete greasemonkey script comes to:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        I love
// @namespace
// @include
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
window.onload = function() {
    //Follow all
    $('.fave, .text_button').not(".clicked").click()

    //Watched all
    $("._checkin._button._episode > label.on").click()

    //Everything is TOP RATE at
    $('li.full.step').filter(function(i,e){return $(e).data("score") == 10;}).click()

Happy hacking!